“Author Roy T. Bennett once said, “Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely.” When I think of this quote I envision the person and professional I’d like to be, and I also consider who I may look to as a role model. In my work as Home-School Coordinator for the Bennington-Rutland Supervisory Union (BRSU) it has been clear from the start, and fortunately for me, I have an excellent role model to learn from as she and her organization have helped the BRSU immensely, that’s Executive Director Tammy Mosher and the Stratton Foundation.

The Stratton Foundation is a community-based nonprofit that cares about Southern Vermont, by providing financial support to programs that address the challenges of poverty, and directly to families that experience an incidence of emergency or natural disaster. The ways they have given to the BRSU is merely a fraction of the work they’ve done throughout Southern Vermont, but the impact on our school district has been tremendous.

Executive Director Tammy Mosher is readily accessible and makes it her goal to help our families in need while adding her own personal touch. Mrs. Mosher goes out of her way to make sure that the school district is aware of services, events, and grants available to each school through the many programs the Stratton Foundation has to offer. An Annual Winter Clothing Drive is spearheaded by Mrs. Mosher and with the help of her selfless volunteers, they provide many families with what they will need to get through cold Vermont Winters. I am able to contact her at any time to inquire about emergency funds for families in dire need of assistance without the financial means to resolve their issues. She has been a wealth of knowledge and the true definition of leading by example.

The Stratton Foundation offers many services that many people may be unaware of. To start with, they offer children’s nutritious backpack programs, holiday meals, and winter clothing distribution. That simply scratches the surface of their mission. This organization also provides youth mental health & social services, security to children who are ill or traumatized, as well as youth dental and medical care, and assistance with heat. So much exceptional work is being done by Tammy Mosher and the Stratton Foundation and the recognition for their valuable service to Southern Vermont and the BRSU deserves recognition. ”

— Billy Canfield, Home-School Coordinator for Bennington-Rutland Supervisory Union

“We are grateful for the Stratton Foundation’s support of the children and families of Vermont. Your generosity has provided children with an opportunity to participate in school and community fee-based activities, to wear warm winter clothing, to have personal dental kits, to have a Thanksgiving turkey on their table, to have gifts to open during the holidays, and to feel just like their peers. I applaud the Stratton Foundation for its interest and generosity. Thank you for helping your neighbors in-need. You have touched many lives.”

— Jamaica Village School Principal, Laura Hazard

“We are so grateful for this amazing support from the Stratton Foundation. It is an important investment in the future of our students living in poverty as we prepare them for a world outside and help them reach their full potential.”

— Burr & Burton Academy Headmaster, Mark Tashjian

“With the support of the Stratton Foundation, our partnership will address significant gaps in critically needed social and mental health services while strengthening linkages to existing service providers. Neighborhood Connections is so pleased to implement this important project with the Stratton Foundation.”

— Tom Dougherty, Executive Director

“Thank you so much for your generous gift that will help us continue to provide warmth and comfort to children in need.”

— Project Linus

“This year we have again been able to assist several families in-need. We sincerely thank you for this grant and will continue to use these funds to support our children and their families.”

— Wardsboro Elementary School Principal, Rosemary Fitzsimmons

“It has been wonderful to know that we have such solid and passionate support from our local area. With this funding we will be able to continue our commitment to our students that no child goes without. Thank you for recognizing this need.”

— Mountain School of Winhall Principal, Patricia Stanley

“Your contribution will enable us to continue to work in the community, to help families and individuals experiencing difficult times not only due to current economic conditions, but also short term personal circumstances, depriving them of the basic needs of safety, security, and sanitation for their homes. ”

— Just Neighbors

“Thank you so much for all the support and all the generosity of the Stratton Foundation. These contributions are making a tremendous difference in the lives of students who would otherwise go without.”

— Leland & Gray Hight School Principal, Dorinne Dorfman

“We are pleased that we were able to get this homeless family housed and provide some electric assistance. With the help of Stratton Foundation she will be able to move forward. It is so wonderful to see this come together. We can’t thank you enough. It’s a tough road ahead but will be a little less difficult with a roof overhead.”

— South Eastern Vermont Community Action (SEVCA)

“It is partnerships such as this, and that which we have with the Stratton Foundation that fill my heart with hope & pride. Many lives will be touched by your funding; thank you.”

— Laura Hazard, Principal Jamaica Village School

“Thank you so much for helping this family. Without the assistance from the Foundation they would be left in a serious predicament.”

— South Eastern Vermont Community Action (SEVCA)

“We are making great progress towards our mission and gifts like this go far to ensure everyone in our communities has the food they need.”

— Marissa Parisi, Executive Director of Hunger Free Vermont