Thank you to everyone who sponsored a tree. 110 lighted evergreens will line the Stratton Village this winter season.

“Snowlight in Vermont” means so much to each of us individually and collectively.  Trees are dedicated to honor loved ones, to wish sentiments of the holiday season, and some are even shouts out for more snow and more skiing! 

To the community, Snowlight is a symbol of the impact that you are making on the lives of thousands of children living in southern Vermont.  The Snowlight trees illuminate the difficult world that many of our children live in, giving them hope and inspiring them to dream for a better tomorrow, through the programs that are supported through the proceeds of this event to address Hunger, Basic Necessities, Health, and Education, raising over $50,000.

For more information, contact: or call 802.297.2096

Thank you Event Supporters

Thank you Snowlight Tree Donors 2024-2025

Albro Family * Amery, Cara & Tarca Families * Apito Family * Margot  Badenhausen * Haley  Barrar * Scott Basso * Bourassa Family * Branch Family * Brennan Family * Burlew Family * Cannon & Bruce Campbell * Capalbo Family * Carreira Family * Cenci Family * Shelley & Bill Collier * Colosky Family * Julia Craig * Tim Daly & Family * Richard de Haan * John & Ann DiLorenzo * Drasher Family * Durr Family * Fiore Family * Four Seasons Sotheby’s International Realty * Paul & Pat Frank * Freedberg-Magrab Family * Friends of Mary Senecal * Furst/DeMatteis Family * Dalmau Garcia * Garthwait Family *
Scott Gottdiener * Russel & Laura Griffith Family * Evan, Wendy, Josh & Simon Grossman * Leslie Gussin * Gussin Gang * Haber Family * Robert & Susan Hallenbeck * Heinzerling Family * Kim Hekking * Ron & Kathi Holbert * Jomides Family *
Matt & Courtney   Jones & Family * Tim Jones & Family * Andrea & Jody Kahan * Kass Family * Kersteins *
Kip Hall Family Foundation * Klestadt, Filippone and Patack Families * Klingmans * Kyle Kober * Kowalyk Weinberg Family * Ed & Janet Lee * Susan, Eric, Gabi, Max & Stephen Levy * Kathy & Marc Lorber * Marangi Family *
Maggie, Steve, Lily & Aiden Matays * Beth &  Bruce McDonald * McMorrow Family * Mercadante Family *
George & Carolann Mitchell * Ian Jones & Jill Mosby * Moson Family * Murphy Family * Dan & Jane Nelson Corbett *
Marty Neumeister * Norgaard Family * Marilyn O'Laughlin Plantin * O'Loughlin Family * Stephen &  Linda Obletz *
WH Overgard * Parsoff Family * John & Trish Patti * Allison, Wade, Finn & Milly Pearson * Ken Plantin * Portny Family *
Rich & Christina Pulaski * Reagan Family * Brad Rhoads * Joan & Barry Richter * Todd Richter * Elizabeth  Robillard-Gargiulo * Allison Rosenzweig * Rowen Family * Suzanne Rueck * Kim & Miles Saunders * John A. Savarese * Scerbo Family *
Paula & Dick Schwartz * Segrete-Carbonell Family * Sheehan Family *   Simpson Family * Lynne & Scott Smith *
JoAnn Smith & Family * Douglas Goodman & Meredith Spatz * Stratton Adult Mountain Riders * Stratton Mountain Resort * Studio at Strawberry Fields Lane * The Equinox Golf Resort & Spa * Van Buren Family *
Van Buren Family & Gary Joseph DiMaggio * Vignola & Chan Families * Von Bargen's Jewelry * David & Lauren Waldo *
Lori & Steve Ward & Family * Linda Wesolowski * William & Sandy Wheeler * Kim, Larry & Britt Wohler * Wohler Realty Group 

Thank you to our Snowlight Donor Reception Sponsor