March 15, 2025 at Stratton Mountain Resort

Click here for 2025 RACE RESULTS!


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Dear Shred4Nate Racers and Generous Supporters, 

We did it again! 180 racers took to the mountain on March 16, 2024 to #Shred4Nate, continuing our work to shine a light on youth mental health in Southern Vermont and beyond. 

Thank you to our racers, our sponsors, and to our loyal individual and family supporters for recognizing and investing in the change we hope to make each and every time we tell our story, gather the community with purpose, and say Nathan’s name. 

Thank you to everyone who worked behind the scenes to make this possible: Stratton Mountain School, Stratton Winter Sports Club, Stratton Mountain Operations, and our event committee and volunteers. 

This year we supplemented our efforts and impact by offering a pre-race Youth Mental Health First Aid training which certified 25 professionals representing 5 local schools, and reached over 1200 youth with Shred4Nate mental wellness messages during our annual February candy gram campaign. We also participated in the call to action efforts at Stratton’s initial screening of the Alterra Mountain Company’s Paradise Paradox film about the reality of mental health in mountain towns. 

The words offered by one of our YMHFA participants sums up 2024 for us as a family as we continue on this journey of meaning making: “We can feel the momentum, and this is fantastic.” It sure is. 

With heartfelt gratitude,  The Carreira Family

Race Results 2024

Overall * SR * U18 * U16 * U14 * U12 * U10 * U8

The annual #Shred4Nate race is in memory of Nathan M. Carreira, started by a core group of friends as a way to empower them through their grief and make a difference in the lives of others who are struggling. Today, the Nathan M. Carreira Endowment Fund is dedicated to mental health and suicide prevention.

The Mental Health Crisis: 

According to the Vermont Department o f Health, the Youth Crisis is prominent. Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among those age 10-24 years old. In Vermont, there are 2-3 deaths per week, effecting children, families, schools, communities, first-responders and emergency healthcare providers. The problem demands our attention.

The Nathan M. Carreira Endowment Fund

The NMC endowment was established in loving memory of Nathan Carreira [March 12, 2003-March 26, 2018] Skiing was Nathan’s passion and he quickly developed a love for racing, spending every weekend at Stratton Mountain. The Carreira Family directed donations to the Stratton Community Foundation after Nathan’s passing at the young age of 15 years old, escalating the foundation’s priority to support youth mental health as a fundamental priority in its mission to care for the well-being of children in Vermont.

Overall Top Male: Asher Baron / Overall Top Women: Sophie Davis!

The Mission of the endowment:

To support the mental health and wellness of youth and their families living in the footprint of the Stratton Community Foundation, and communities within the shadows of Stratton Mountain.

Through the endowment, the foundation strives to:

  • Broaden and deepen partnerships to bring more advocacy, attention and funding to mental health issues;

  • Support Mental Health First-Aid Training for teachers and school administration;

  • Provide critical services and education;

  • Inspire peer-to-peer mentorship programs to establish meaningful, lasting relationships;

  • Fund mental health and substance abuse interventions at schools;

  • Execute mental health goodwill activities with clubs and youth leaderships;

  • Innovate best-practice and successful programs that have a direct impact on youth, families, schools and community.