Stocks & Bonds
Donating appreciated stock is one of the easiest and most tax-smart ways to give more to causes you care about. Contact the Stratton Foundation for more information and make an investment in the future of children who deserve a chance.
Contact us for transfer instructions and account information.
Corporate Matching
Most companies match the gifts that their employees, even retirees, make to nonprofit organizations, dollar for dollar! Ask your company if they have a request form or we can research it for you! Whether you are supporting Boots 4 Kids or participating in the 24 Hours of Stratton, your corporate match will go where you direct your personal gift.
And we love to promote our list of Top Matching Gift Companies!

The Stratton Community Foundation is a grassroots nonprofit that cares for the well-being of children across southern Vermont.
501C3 Non-Profit EIN# 04-3343551
Campaign for Kids: As needed in the community to help kids in crisis:
Basic Necessities: Head-to-Toe Campaign
Hunger: Feed-the-Community
Mental Health: Nathan Carreira Endowment Fund
Education: Scholarships & Innovative Programs