College Scholarships are offered to local high-school graduating seniors. Please consult your counselor for more information and qualifications. For more information, contact

Community Grant Applications Opens April 1 - April 30, 2025

*HOW TO APPLY - Documents & applications:

Any 501(c)(3) organization serving children and their families in the Stratton Foundation footprint interested in seeking grant support must complete an application. If you are unsure if your organization or program is eligible, please contact Tammy Mosher, Executive Director at the Stratton Foundation at (802) 297-2096 or email

The Stratton Foundation appreciates receiving thoughtfully presented applications that demonstrate the link between the needs identified in the community that inspire projects and programs, and the desired outcome through our support. Your time in sharing complete details is deeply appreciated.

Grant Seeker Guidelines

The Stratton Foundation is a community based non-profit organization that cares about the health and welfare of children and their families in southern Vermont. The mission of the Stratton Foundation is to address the challenges that stand between a child in-need and the opportunity to be healthy, safe, and learn. Our vision to help children focus on their education and set them on a path to success and economic independence.

It is the Foundation’s desire to facilitate the startup of new, and advancement of critically needed programs and services by funding initiatives with a strong plan to be self-sustaining.

CLICK HERE to view programs and grants awarded July 1 2023-June 30, 2024

CLICK HERE to view programs and grants awarded July, 1 2022-June 30, 2023.

CLICK HERE to view the grants awarded to local organizations providing critical services in 2021-2022.



The Stratton Foundation receives and distributes the largest share of its financial support for grants that are received by the April 30 deadline. Emergency Assistance and Gift requests are accepted at any time.

Primary Granting Period - Requests of any amount

  • Applications accepted April 1-30 for June distribution.

Other Granting Periods - Requests may not exceed $5,000

  • Applications accepted September 1 - 30 for October distribution

  • OPEN NOW: Applications accepted December 1 – 30 for January distribution

EMERGENCY NEEDS & GIFTS – Applications accepted as needed. [See Forms Below.]

HOW TO APPLY - Documents & applications:

Any 501(c)(3) organization serving children and their families in the Stratton Foundation footprint interested in seeking grant support must complete an application. If you are unsure if your organization or program is eligible, please contact Tammy Mosher, Executive Director at the Stratton Foundation at (802) 297-2096 or email

The Stratton Foundation appreciates receiving thoughtfully presented applications that demonstrate the link between the needs identified in the community that inspire projects and programs, and the desired outcome through our support. Your time in sharing complete details is deeply appreciated.

The April Granting Cycle is Now Closed. Recipients will be notified and awarded funds in June.  


The Stratton Foundation awards grants to organizations and programs that are direct providers to our most vulnerable children and their families. The Stratton Foundation considers grant applications from organizations that:

  • Are determined as charitable under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. These include nonprofit organizations such as schools, churches, hospitals and community service organizations; and

  • Provide programs and services to children and families within the following sixteen towns: Arlington, Bondville, Danby, Dorset, Jamaica, Landgrove, Londonderry, Manchester, Newfane-Newbrook, Peru, South Londonderry, Stratton, Sunderland, Townshend, Wardsboro, Weston, Windham, and Winhall.



The Stratton Foundation supports programs that address the challenges of poverty. These include programs that strive to care for the well-being, health and hygiene of its most vulnerable children; foster school-readiness by reducing barriers to learning; and help children develop competencies and skills necessary to lead a more productive life.

Programs must fall into at least one of following four major focus areas:

  1. Food and Hunger – to end the injustice of food and malnutrition.

  2. Health and Dental Health – to care for the health and wellbeing of our disadvantaged children

  3. Basic Necessities – so that low income families can access services, remain safe, warm, and secure.

  4. Education that helps children and teens develop a vision for a future with economic independence.


The Stratton Foundation will consider the following in the evaluation of grant requests.

  • The specific use of our funds and their direct impact on helping children.

  • Services are primarily provided for those outside or only a small % of children within our footprint

  • % of our funds to the overall project total as it relates to the % impacted within our footprint

  • The project is not relevant to our mission or directly attached to hunger, necessities, health or education

  • Historical misuse of our funds

  • The scope of impact

  • Does not address generational poverty

  • Program is not sustainable - lack of resources/plan for continued funding after X years

  • Is to pay past bills or debt

  • Operational expenses, construction/repair to business

  • Services and programs that only serve adults without children under the age of 18 living in the household  (A single person/family request is an Emergency Assistance Gift)  


When evaluating requests, the Foundation considers the balance of geography, needs and resources in the community. It considers programs that are:

  • New or existing initiatives; and

  • Able to demonstrate the capacity to sustain the necessary services using good administrative and financial management.



The Stratton Foundation does not set a minimum or maximum amount for grants, however reporting guidelines differ depending on grant size.

  • $5,000 and under: End of Program Evaluation due at the end of the program year

  • $5,001-10,000: Progress Evaluation due 6 months and End of Program Evaluation due at the end of program year

  • $10,001 and over: Progress Evaluation due quarterly and End of Program Evaluation due end of program year


HOW TO APPLY - Documents & applications:

Any 501(c)(3) organization serving children and their families in the Stratton Foundation footprint interested in seeking grant support must complete an application. If you are unsure if your organization or program is eligible, please contact Tammy Mosher, Executive Director at the Stratton Foundation at (802) 297-2096 or email

The Stratton Foundation appreciates receiving thoughtfully presented applications that demonstrate the link between the needs identified in the community that inspire projects and programs, and the desired outcome through our support. Your time in sharing complete details is deeply appreciated.